Bro wrecer truck body
€ 80,00 € 95,00

The wrecker truck body designed and constructed by Bro Barningsbyggen AB, Swden.

Recommended kits:

-Minimanfactory KrAZ 255B

- HobbyBoss KrAZ 255B

- Roden KrAZ 255B

Mixer Body for any East and West European chassis
€ 80,00

Recommended kits:

Minimanfactory KrAZ 255B

Zvezda Ural 4320

Bridgelayer for M1120 LHS
€ 110,00 € 125,00

The M1120 HEMTT LHS (Load Handling System) is a M977 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck with a load handling system i place of a flat bed/cargo body. The HEMTT is an eight-wheel drive, diesel powe...

TMM Bridge Set
€ 45,00

Designed by Akos Szabó.The TMM is an early Cold War era vehicle launched bridge of Soviet origin. I was developed to allow Soviet forces to traverse small gaps and water and gaps that are wider than ...

Bridgelayer for M1120 LHS
€ 58,00

Designed by Akos Szabó....

Jupiter IV 122 mm self propelled gun - Conversion
€ 89,00 € 105,00

If You have any question or need reference for building please visit our web-site or contact us by

Unusual pattern tire for Dragon Wagon
€ 20,00

Designed by Akos Szabo....